
"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not gong to stay where you are" unknown.
- Have you lost touch with who you are and what makes you feel fulfilled in your life?
- Are you feeling stuck in your life and can’t seem to move forward?
The expectations of the modern world and the fast pace of today’s society can often cause us to deny, ignore, and repress our emotions, burying them deeper within ourselves in an attempt to keep up.
Call me today 0407109944 Carolyn at CaroHypnotherapy Hobart Tasmania
Anxiety & Stress
We all experience mild anxiety in our daily lives, often when taking a test, making a speech, having an injection or just catching a flight. Although part of our mind tells us things will be ok, we often continue to feel unsure in situations that others cope with. Some anxiety disorders are so severe they cause panic attacks that disrupt day-to-day life. For others, the problem may relate to a specific phobia.
Phobias and anxiety are often underpinned by a disproportionate fear of something that happened in the past, combined with the ongoing fear that it will happen again. Negative events that seem to have been forgotten can still cause problems that tick away in the background.
Sometimes just to be able to talk with someone in a safe and trusting environment can help us see things differently.
*disclaimer - individual results may differ from person to person
The unconscious mind is decidedly simple, unaffected, straightforward and honest. It hasn't got all of this facade, this veneer of what we call adult culture. It's rather simple, rather childish It is direct and free.